I promise, I have better things to talk about other than this bird.....
**click on image to see the determined look on his face!***

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but this is consuming my time! Clearly, rubber snakes and images with eyes are no deterrent for Pecker. He is on a mission larger than pecking his reflection. Who has suggestions to help? Even in 40 + mph winds, he is out trying to get in my window...go figure.


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Okay this is too FUNNY we had a Cardinal doing this for like all last summer and it came back a few weeks ago and I thought Mike was going to die as its down in the Family room where he hangs on the weekend and it just goes non stop from the time it can see its self to night, so if you get help please let me know to,sense its the state bird its not like I can just shoot it,LOL Hope all is well beside this:)Heidi


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