Sunday evening.......

Well, I am officially committing myself to blogging a few times a week. My goal will be to get the hang of the computer more and to keep images flowing for family and friends. So, with that said, please note that the first posts will be, less than perfect.

This is a recent image of myself.....nuff said. I will be sharing this blog with friends I haven't "seen" in years. This may also be the last one for a long while!

Gonna log out and see whaere it all went!


  1. I almost fell over in shock when I read your email - but I'm so happy to be able to "see" your life, too! Yay! You look lovely in that photo, by the way!
    Thanks for starting a blog! : )

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Great Job Judie!!! Thanks so much for sharing with everyone.

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    you are beautiful, not changed a bit :-)


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