"who's there?"

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the bluebird family! this is a riot. a new family of bluebirds is living in my "see rock city" bird house yes, it is very dated and a very southern thing ot have in one's yard, but i love it. the dogs have been going crazy this morning. not conducive to any productive work from me or the nap i wanted/needed because the dogs barked alllll night! first lucky would bark, i would feel guilty take him out of the crate and take him out. no pee, errrrrrr. back in crate.....barks again. lucy begins because lucky barks....you see where i am going with this? lucky ends up in garage in crate. lucy cries for lucky. it is now 3 am and i am finally going to bed. there is silence in the house.this all started at 10 pm.
Now, on with the bluebird story. dogs, going crazy because the bluebirds want IN the house. the concept of glass, window, any clear solid surface eludes the beautiful creatures. peck peck peck...up and down my windows all morning. dogs bark, 'cause it sounds like knocking! "who's there?" the dogs bark in unison...and the 2 bluebirds sit on the window ledge and rest. panting, you know, their beaks are popped open and their chest expands...I dunno if you can really call that panting, but they are pooped! a small "peep" . it is all a vicious cycle in my house today. infact, the bluebirds are knocking as i type......oh, spring. the dogs are on their way out to play i the yard....maybe the birds will do a couple of flyovers and really drive the dogs insane! wouldn't that be a fun photo!
***eta....click on images to see full effect. ignore dirt....most of it is from birds.


  1. Wow! What great shots! Love your narrative too. I could hear your voice reading it in my head.

    Had a great time with ya on Sat. Thanks for always saying it's super cute and I should get it! ;)

    And I didn't just look this time, I commented! :)

  2. Too funny Judith! You are a great story teller! ;)


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